Complaint Inquiry

This page allows you to obtain the current status of complaints or denunciations initiated anonymously. For privacy reasons, the complainant must enter the numerical code chosen at the time of creating the case. Updates to pending cases will be fed into the query system on a weekly basis, when there is relevant information to be communicated. The [...]

Identified Complaint

Through this form you have chosen to make an identified complaint. We thank you for your cooperation and the possibility of contacting you if it is necessary to clarify anything, or to gather more information. We undertake to investigate your complaint, verifying and collecting any evidence that may clarify or confirm the acts reported. Please state below, [...]

Anonymous Complaint

Through this form you have chosen to make an anonymous complaint, so your personal data will not be required. For this reason, we will not be able to consult you if we need more information, but we are committed to investigate your complaint, verifying and collecting all evidence that allows us to clarify or confirm the acts reported. For [...]


Integrity is fundamental to the ITC Group, and together with our other values of leadership, passion, responsibility, collaboration, diversity and quality, it is a fundamental pillar for the growth of our company. Through this page, any person or organization can report, either by identifying themselves or anonymously, any suspicions of wrongdoing or misconduct, and [...]


ITC Group accepts credit card payments through the Square platform to facilitate the process of paying invoices for services to its customers. When making a credit card payment through the system, the user must reference the invoice he/she is paying, either by providing the invoice number or by providing the credit card number.


Employee surveys are a tool to measure employee attitudes, perceptions, satisfaction and performance. Through the surveys, the company obtains feedback and identifies areas for improvement both on the employee's side and on the company's side. Most of the surveys are carried out by [...]


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Santa Cruz

La Paz
